We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your gifts are 100% tax deductible.

6th Annual Reverse Raffle Fundraiser

Tickets on sale now….reach out to a board member or call the office at 254-939-5759 to get your ticket!

Important Information

Reverse Raffle Date

Friday July 19, 2024
Doors open at 5:30  |  Dinner at 6:00  |  Draw begins at 7:00pm.

What to Expect

Each ticket includes a meal for 2. Chicken fajitas with all the fixings and chips
& queso are on the menu. There will be a cash/car bar staffed by Mayborn
employees. A 50/50 cash raffle adds an exciting flare to the evening as the past
llucky winners have walked away with $2500-3500 dollars. In addition, a wide
range of silent auction prizes will be available to be bid on throughout the evening,
and it all culminates as we give away some awesome prizes at the end of the night;
including a 2024 Chevrolet Colorado!!!


  • 1 Raffle Ticket (Includes Dinner for 2): $170.00
  • Additional Dinners: $25.00
  • 50/50 Cash Raffle: $50.00 per “stretch”
  • Cash/Card bar available at the event


Why do we host this event?

Each summer we host our reverse raffle to raise money for our kids at BCYC. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and accounts for 20% of our summer budget. While grants and other donations are an impactful source of income, a lot of time those funds are tied to certain repairs, purchases, etc. This fundraiser helps support our general operations budget so we can continue to offer affordable care and Kingdom enhancing experiences!

Purchasing Tickets

If you personally know a board member, you can get tickets directly through them. After their allotment has been distributed, we will sell tickets through the office. Stop by or call 254-939-5759 to inquire about getting your ticket!

*Pictured truck is the actual vehicle from the 2023 reverse raffle*

***Sample reverse raffle ticket for 2024. This sample cannot be printed and used for admission to the event***